School on

Advanced Characterization methods for nanophase materials (ACNM-2013)

22-24 November 2013

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Programme (Tentative)


Venue: The Gateway Ummed, Ahmedabad

Date: 22.11.2013



Topic/ Title


08.30 - 09.00

Registration & Welcome address

S. Mukherjee &

A. Marcelli

9.00 - 10.00

X-ray diffraction (XRD) - I

T. Ganguli, India

10.00 - 11.00

Neutron small angle scattering and reflectivity

R. Cubitt, France

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 - 12.30

XRD - II (Microstructural characterization of thin films by XRD)

J. Chakraborty, India

12.30 - 13.30

Neutron scattering for structure and dynamics in condensed matter

H. Mutka, France

13.30 - 14.30

Lunch Break

14.30 - 15.30

Optical Spectroscopy at High Pressure

P. Postorino, Italy

15.30 - 16.00

Coffee Break

16.00 - 17.00

Characterization of Optoelectronic Properties of Nanaomaterials and Nanocomposites

M.P. Joshi, India

17.00 - 18.00

Ultrafast spectroscopy

R. Chari, India

 18.00 - 19.30

One to one interaction of participants with speakers

19.30 - 21.00

Dinner at Taj


Return to Hotel

Day - 2

Venue: The Gateway Ummed, Ahmedabad

Date: 23.11.2013



Topic/ Title


9.00 - 10.00

Interactive tutoring on Neutron techniques, feasibility studies

H. Mutka/R. Cubitt, France

10.00 - 11.00

Control of granular nano-structure of hetero-structures at atomic limit by scanning nano x-ray diffraction

A. Bianconi, Italy

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 - 12.30

Principle of photoemission spectroscopy and its applications to transition-metal compounds

T. Mizokawa, Japan

12.30 - 13.30

X-ray absorption spectroscopy I

K. Asokan, India

13.30 - 14.30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 15.30

Photoemission Spectroscopy II

A. Bansil, USA

15.30 - 16.00

Coffee Break

16.00 - 17.00

EXAFS- extended x-ray absorption fine structure: an element sensitive method for local structure

B. Joseph, Italy

17.00 - 18.00

Muon Spin Spectroscopy: a local probe view on nanoscale physics

R. De Renzi, Italy

 18.00 - 18.30

Interaction of participants with speakers

18.30 - 21.00

Transport to the dinner venue, Dinner + Heritage walk